Lessons from Nature Podcast

Just Passing Through: Observation 56. Important to try. 2028

Mark Rubin Season 1 Episode 56


The most significant observation in this story is the interconnectedness of life, energy, and dreams. The narrator emphasizes the role of solar energy in powering life and dreams, illustrating how everything is connected in a cosmic dance. This interconnectedness highlights the importance of pursuing our dreams and being mindful of our journey through life.

The Lesson:

Cherish your dreams and the time you have, as life is a fleeting journey through space and time.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Dreaming: Encourages imagination and creativity.
  2. Mindfulness: Teaches the value of appreciating the present moment.
  3. Inspiration: Motivates us to pursue our dreams and believe in ourselves.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What's My Dream? What are my deepest dreams and aspirations?
  2. How Am I Connected? How do I connect with the world and its energy?
  3. What's My Impact? What legacy do I want to leave in this world?

For more ‘Practical Dreaming’, visit https://www.markianrubin.life/practical-dreaming 


My name is Mark Rubin, and I'm a dream weaver. I hope these widgets help you weave your dreams into reality is a story about motion and time, and life and death. And my friend John steed puts in, if you hear my voice, you're alive. And if you're alive, you're traveling at a speed of 90 miles per second around a star. And the energy from that star comes to earth, in the form of light. And when that energy strikes the Earth, it's converted by biological processes, into sugar. And that energy in that sugar, Power View right now, your mind, your body, your thoughts, your dreams, your dreams are powered by sunlight, is rare in my life, to be able to share my dreams with people in this project. And this phase of the project is about sharing my dreams in a way that I hope inspires other people to share their dreams and create their dreams. The first person who asked me about my dreams in any kind of meaningful way, was my friend John. And I met John in 2007. And Burning Man, middle of the desert, in a geodesic dome that he created, called the oasis. And John handed me a stack of magic markers inside this dome, and asked me to draw my message to the world on the inside of it. And so I had just come back from Peru, which is one of the stories I told here, hiking on the Inca Trail. And I had just visualized the architecture component called the dome of dreams, which shows the cross functional relationships between the components of a business system. And I drew this inside the dome. And I explained to him I was going to use this architecture to launch this global ego project when I was ready, my 50s He looked at me, and he said, I know you will. And that began our friendship. I visited John, in Colorado, outside Durango, we were backpacking around this was two years ago and told him that I was getting close to launching this project. And he said to me, I knew you would. And in my life, it was rare to have a person who asked me what my dreams were. And a person who believed in me all along the way, over decades and decades of time, different combinations of things, I tried different ideas I had, that I tried to share in different ways. The mostly didn't work. But my friend John believed in my dreams, and I believed in his. And if you're watching this, you've reached the end of the widgets for Dream weaving series. I want to leave you with the idea about dreaming gently, and giving yourself space to imagine and formulate, and plan and strategize and partner and create. Because we're all just passing through space and time. And every day we're alive is one less day that will be alive. And every day we have less distance in front of us than we have behind us. And I think it's important to conceptualize the speeds that we're going around the universe and the seconds that are ticking by. Because at the end of life, if we don't create our own dreams, we create someone else's. So as you pass through for the rest of your life, I hope that you give yourself the opportunity to dream gently and create the world you imagine. Best wishes for dreaming and dream weaving

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