Lessons from Nature Podcast

Businesses are pollinators: Observation 51. Spreading regenerative business models. 2026

Mark Rubin Season 1 Episode 51


Businesses, like Disney, can act as pollinators by spreading inspiration and positive messages. This happens when they create stories or brands that resonate with people, making these stories spread naturally without direct monetary investment. The most inspiring stories tend to persist and influence more significantly.

The Lesson:

Inspiration, when embedded in business brands and stories, can self-propagate and impact humanity profoundly.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Inspiration: Encourages creativity and positive thinking.
  2. Storytelling: Enhances communication and cultural impact.
  3. Brand Identity: Builds lasting connections and loyalty.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What Inspires Me? Consider what stories or brands have positively influenced you.
  2. Story's Power: Reflect on how a story can change perspectives and emotions.
  3. Brand Connection: Think about which brands you feel a part of and why.

For more ‘Practical Dreaming’, visit https://www.markianrubin.life/practical-dreaming 


My name is Mark Rubin, and I'm a dream weaver. I hope these widgets help you weave your dreams into reality. This story is about the idea that businesses are pollinators. And it's possible for businesses to spread inspiration. Disney is a good example of this. How especially in the beginning, the original Disney stories were often about inspirational things, and lessons and things like that, and all aspects, I suppose, humanity. But I guess over time, the stories that stick around are the most inspiring one. Once. You know this story is really about a way that a business through a brand message can spread good vibes. As long as I'm designing this thing, why not design around spreading the maximum amount of inspiration because inspiration spreads on its own. And in that way, it's like pollinating ideas. All other forms of communication require money. So like marketing or email campaigns, or calling people cost money, but when people tell stories are no money, because they're inspired. Because this telling the story makes them feel good. Being part of the story helps them feel good. In that way. Businesses are pollinators by 2026. I'm planning to figure out sort of the brand message of projects on the light and infusing the ideas of spreading inspiration through good vibes or pollinating inspiration through good vibes because brands live longer than ideas and brands that people feel part of live on, because the story spreads the good vibes. So this story is more of a placeholder than anything else, but TV can take you

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