Lessons from Nature Podcast

Businesses can do good. Observation 50. Creating solutions by scaling models. 2022 to 2030

Mark Rubin Season 1 Episode 50


The most important observation in this story is that the focus of environmental efforts shifted from simply planting a large number of trees to a broader concept of restoring and preserving habitats. This change acknowledges the complexity of ecosystems and the need for a holistic approach to environmental conservation. It also illustrates the evolving understanding of what truly benefits the environment beyond initial simplistic solutions.

The Lesson:

The most important lesson is that effective environmental action requires a comprehensive understanding and approach, rather than focusing on single, isolated actions.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Holistic Thinking: Encourages considering all aspects of an environment, not just one element.
  2. Adaptability: Shows the importance of adapting strategies based on new insights and knowledge.
  3. Impact Awareness: Highlights the need to understand the broader impacts of our actions on the environment.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Beyond Trees: What other elements are crucial for a healthy ecosystem?
  2. Learning and Adapting: How can we continuously improve our environmental strategies?
  3. Broader Impacts: What are the unintended consequences of our environmental actions?

For more ‘Practical Dreaming’, visit https://www.markianrubin.life/practical-dreaming 


My name is Mark Rubin, and I'm a dream weaver. I hope these widgets help you weave your dreams into reality is stories about doing something good through businesses, and then proving it that they can work this way. So part of Project simulate is restoring habitat. Originally, I plan to plant lots of trees. And I was using that phrase, I was going to plant lots of trees to describe like a number of billion trees now as the objective, because I don't mind being wrong, and I don't mind naming big. So what I learned from these conversations I was having with people about this project, and this piece of it, it's not important, the number of trees to get planted, or it's even a little unclear of just planting trees, is good. Overall, given the cost and the number of trees that die, and the fact that people just cut them down later, is more about the idea of restoring habitat and preserving habitat. It's not the number of trees, it's the habitat, the living things live in. And trees are part of the habitat. So it was like the idea that there has to be a certain amount of rain that there used to, and there has to be a certain certain amount of light, you know, We're disrupting those things with our activities. So it was never really about like the number of trees even though that's how I was explaining it. So anyway, now it's about habitat. But when it was about trees, that one of the first things I did, I did a deal with some software I have, and that software creates money. And some of the money that it created is was used to plant trees through a charity called one tree planted. This is part of Project tonight, the past, present and future, when kids buy this B box kit, it's going to come with seeds for flowers, native pollinators, and honeybees combo. And this is a way to create habitat for the bees locally. And that increases the amount of honey which increases the amount of money and everybody wins. And then there's more bees, plus good for everybody win win win. And some of the money that is going to come from this channel, people buying these kits, some of that money is going to go directly towards creating pollinator habitat by funding, pollinator charities, that and I like this idea because, you know, having the idea of of planting flowers is nice, and also demonstrates a lot of principles about taking care of your local environment and providing energy into that environment. It's the same thing as doing marketing in terms of traditional business spending money to make money kind of a deal. So combining all those things into one scenario, where we can demonstrate these ideas that you can make money and do something good and restore habitat, or preserve habitat or create habitat, or somehow fund habitat creation by by by the experts. That's where I was going with the idea about funding upon it or charity. Because, you know, having a holistic view of where the problems are. And where money could most efficiently be spent is as important sure as teaching your kid to plant flowers in the same context as investing in marketing. That's important too. So combining that that's the story that businesses can do good. And on this page are some certificates from various organizations I've been involved in with this project with money that I mined from the future using my software and planted 10,000 trees through one channel 15,000 through a different channel, and also offset 7200 tons of carbon by investing in carbon credits, which I hope will work to do something good. Some of those are not directly carbon water filtration with that reduces carbon because then you have you can burn less stuff to purify the water. So water filtration is good. It also helps with education because then kids don't need to go looking for water for hours a day can learn stuff that's better. So a combo deal there but the other projects are wind, solar and some methane energy capture. And also direct habitat preservation and those things added together offset 7200 tons of carbon which makes me carbon negative for life. And that's an example of doing something good with business.

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