Lessons from Nature Podcast

Business Games. Observation 47. Deploying a regenerative business model in the real world. 2024

Mark Rubin Season 1 Episode 47


The key observation in this story is the innovative approach of using a beekeeping-themed board game, "box The Business of the Bees", to teach children about various business functions. The game aims to create a community of young entrepreneurs, equipping them with skills in marketing, sales, operations, and finance. This method also instills the importance of environmental stewardship by connecting business acumen with creating a pollinator habitat.

The Lesson:

The central lesson of this story is the significance of integrating business education with environmental consciousness from a young age, fostering a generation of socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurs.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Business Skills: Enhances understanding of key business concepts among youth.
  2. Environmental Stewardship: Encourages awareness and action for environmental conservation.
  3. Long-term Thinking: Promotes the value of foresight and planning for future financial and ecological wellbeing.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Why Business Matters: How can learning about business help us in creating a better world?
  2. Nature's Role: What can nature teach us about effective business and life strategies?
  3. Future Investments: How can we use our resources today for a more prosperous and sustainable tomorrow?

For more ‘Practical Dreaming’, visit https://www.markianrubin.life/practical-dreaming 


My name is Mark Rubin, and I'm a dream weaver. I hope these widgets help you weave your dreams into reality. This is a story about business games. Games, I'll be playing with business, I've always played games with business. To me business is a game, the only difference between monopoly and real estate is the color of the money. And for the most part, it's the same kind of game. I've been in business for a long time. Like I said, I've probably had 25 or 30 businesses so far. And I am using my business knowledge to create the world I imagined, which is a world where people live in harmony with the rest of nature. And one way I'm doing that is by developing a regenerative business model. And in previous videos here, I talked about the various tactics I'm using to create this world. And just upstream of this, is I have a board game called the box the business of the bees, and that teaches kids how to play the game of business through the lens of being a beekeeper, and it didn't cover it covers all the business functions. And it teaches them things about marketing and sales and operations, HR Finance admin, and all the special projects don't need to do to keep the bees alive and to make money and learn. And what I'm doing is I am doing a deal with a beekeeping equipment manufacturer, they are going to sell bee kits based on the ideas of project on the light, and the development of those business functions. In software. The board game is used to train these kids on learning the skills necessary to be in business. And the business game, the bee box kits teach them how to play that game in real life. And the objective of this is to create a hive of Queen Bees meaning a community of people that understand how to make money, learn skills, be part of a community of helpers, and create pollinator habitat with some of the money that comes from this. And so by creating 10,000 beekeepers through his channel, I'll be creating 10,000 multimillionaires in the future. If all the kids do is sell honey from two beehives a year. And they do this for 50 years. And they take that money and they put it in an account getting 8% interest which is which is like a s&p fund index fund there's like that, which is which is the overall average of the overall stock market for the last 50 years. If if that did occur, they'd have over $2 million in 50 years, and that's enough money to live off of. And what that means is these kids could spend all the rest of the money they ever make on whatever they want, and live the life they want. As long as they stick there'll be money in the money bank. And this is one of the lessons I'll be teaching through this because time is honey. And time is honey is a sentence. That means two things simultaneously. So life costs energy. So time costs, energy, and human energy is money and B energy is honey. So time is honey in the B world and time is money in the human world. For the same reason as it doesn't we're trading for calories. But on the other side of this equation is time as honey because of the magic of compound interest. Which means the more time you have which is the little bit of honey going in every every day or every year. There's a lot more honey later. And so it's important to teach practical things to people and these skills both business skills but also thinking long term and about money are critical to helping people thrive over long periods of time.

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