Lessons from Nature Podcast

Partnership Games: Observation 46. Creating Win-Win-Win situations. 2024

Mark Rubin Season 1 Episode 46


This story highlights the importance of creating partnerships that benefit all parties involved. It emphasizes the need for a long-term, visionary approach to planning and collaboration, particularly in the context of environmental harmony and sustainable development. The story also showcases the significance of connecting with others who share similar values and goals, especially those who think ahead for the betterment of future generations.

The Lesson:

Building lasting partnerships based on shared long-term visions and mutual benefits is crucial for achieving significant and sustainable progress.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Long-term Planning: Encourages thinking ahead for future generations.
  2. Collaborative Approach: Fosters partnerships and teamwork.
  3. Value Alignment: Helps in connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Future Vision: What long-term impacts do my actions have on future generations?
  2. Collaboration: How can I collaborate with others to create win-win situations?
  3. Shared Values: Who shares my values and vision, and how can I connect with them?

For more ‘Practical Dreaming’, visit https://www.markianrubin.life/practical-dreaming 


My name is Mark Rubin, and I'm a dream weaver. I hope these widgets help you weave your dreams into reality. This story is about partnerships, and creating win win win. Situations, I'm going to describe that in the context of project honey late. So in order to create the world, imagine which is a world where people live in harmony with the rest of nature. I'm going to outsource most of it to people that are in specific business domains, or philosophical domains, psychological domains, economic domains, tribal architectures, everything. I don't enjoy running any vague anymore. I just like putting things together. And so I use a framework for creating the future called the long game framework that allows me to visualize the components and their cross functional relationships in a structure that's based on a geodesic. One of the components on this architecture is partnerships. And partnerships are connected to leadership and sponsorship, and also marketing and also deployment. So basically selling stuff. At the phase of the project. It's November 2023, where I'm looking for partners in specific areas. I have a partner on the side right now of the beekeeping business, which is a company called mam Lake, Andrew Wagner's is my partner on that. We've been basically working together for about a year, setting things up just philosophically of like how we might work together. And that's been really fun. And now I'm at the part where I am looking to add different partners in different areas, specifically, as it relates to deployment of the project projects on the light. I'm looking for partners that have distribution, for book, a board game B box kits. I'm also looking for industry partners, people in the beekeeping industry that have a large number of followers, people that would be interested in these ideas by buying the book by the board game, by business toolkit, also looking for partners in the glamping space, because I plan to scale honey Lake glamping, which is the place from demonstrating these ideas, scale it all across the US and the world as the beebox gets rolled out across the planet Earth. And finding partners is about creating Win Win Win situations. And so if I can add value to one of my partners, customers, then I add value to my partner, and basically coming up with ways that an existing person has got either a business or an offering of some kind, that their followers or customers can benefit from what I'm providing, then that's a win win win scenario. And I'll say, in my life, I've had challenges finding partners to partner with me. And the main reason is, is I'm usually years or decades ahead of when they would intersect my orbit. And also I have a model of everything I know that everything relates to everything else. And I use an architecture for creating the future. The long game framework. And explaining these ideas to people has been challenging because most people don't seem to have a model of everything they know or these architectures for creating things. And most decisions that people make are generally short term like the quarter. We the longest timeframe is like, Well, what about next quarter, and I plan decades ahead of time, decades. So I guess this video is more about the idea that creating Win Win Win situations should improve the chances of finding partners and for the long term people that want to partner over long periods of time. Because life's a work in progress myself full of many twists and turns but being aligned with people around creating a world where people live in harmony with the rest of nature, and being aligned with people about leaving the planet a little better than we found it and being aligned with people that believe it's important to plan for the next seven generations. But 500 years out of what systems and tools could be created today. Ideas can be deployed today to increase our chances of thriving and success. Those are the people I'm looking for a partner with and project any late. So if you are one of those people and you operate at the level where you have a large number of either customers or followers or has specific skills and Mark big sales operations, HR, finance admin special projects, or about setting up communities on those tribal side of what I'm doing. I'd love to hear from you. So on my website, there's a contact form. If you're interested in learning how we might be able to work together, please fill it out.

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